In my work, I want to create a product that can
both inspire, decorate, and give a fresh experience
while still doing its function to the best of its capacity



How to design a villa if you don't live in a villa yourself. How to design a sports car if you don't drive one yourself. How to design for a business if you are not a businessman yourself. To sell expensive and understand what you are doing, you need to do what your customers do every day. That's why I chose the design for alcohol.



Digital transformation of business, it is not immediately clear what it is about, but this is the main activity of the company, which collects a team from its own and third-party developers for the tasks of the client. We translated the symbols of the program code into a visual language and sewed the company's mission into it. Next - about how we did it and why we decided to give the project that name.



Constancy is our everything - so here's another weekly podcast on the radio for designers "Sreda".

Audio Podcast


In 2020, we were approached by snack producers in the middle price segment of "Snackmania". It was necessary to carry out a comprehensive rebranding. At that time, they were one of the leaders in the B2B segment of beer snacks supplies in the southern region. Their products were sold mainly by weight. Some of the products have already been packaged in individual packaging for B2C. We were going to actively develop the direct retail segment.



The pleasure in alcohol design is that you most likely will never have to put a picture of a happy family on the label.



A channel where we share the backgrounds of our projects, do interviews and much more



There is a coup in the Ministry of Serious Affairs. Design is a business in which if you just joke around and think "What if..." and, for example, you make a special hero of a hardware store a human hand. This is a success.



Business and marketing "HERE AND NOW" A month ago, my friend from video production, Roma Uvarov, and I launched a project in which we collect current opinions of businessmen from different fields about how they react to what is happening in their industry here and now. We became interested in this primarily because we ourselves are their contractors and our well-being directly depends on their worldview. We decided that getting an honest slice of experience can help businesses in a similar category to see what is being done in their category and thus get a painless experience. And for those who work with this field as a contractor, it is important to see how they live and how they prioritize in order to give what they need now.
